Disciple believers

Discipleship lies at the heart of our ministries, driving our mission. Our unwavering commitment is to both become disciples of Christ and to facilitate the making of disciples. We adhere to the example set by Jesus in nurturing and guiding His followers. As He instructed His disciples to go forth and disciple all nations, we too emphasize this transformative journey.

Discipleship entails the continuous growth and development of individuals as they seek to emulate the life and teachings of our Lord Jesus. Once a person professes faith in Jesus and accepts Him as their Lord and Savior, they embark on a profound discipleship journey, which includes teaching, training, and personal transformation.

Healthy disciples are the foundation of a thriving church and effective leadership. They are the torchbearers of our passion for sharing the Gospel. In our ministry, discipleship serves as the overarching framework that transcends all facets of our work